Street Zen. Week 2. work. 03/31 > 세미나


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Street Zen. Week 2. work. 03/31

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작성자 김주영 작성일15-04-01 00:12 조회2,854회 댓글0건


Street zen week 2. work.

Introduction : Enjoy your life! "We spend so much time at work; we need to make sure we enjoy it. And job can be enjoyable if we do it in the right spirit, with midfulness, with awareness, and with the aim of helping living beings."(11."Work" TNH)

Teaching : Taking good care of Now takes good care of the future. "The future is made of only one substance, and that is the present moment. If you take good care of the present, there is no need to worry about the future." ("Work" p 10 TNH)

-> I think work is only work for momey in the company. But we do work in the house, like cleaning the dishes, laundry and cleaning. When I work in the house, I could also apply this. We can face the situation that we don't want to work it right night, but it is better to do right now. For example, the dishes after the dinner, I just want to go to the couch for dessert. John said that it is the key to know that it could put it down or not. It doesn't matter much even I do it tomorrow morning, we could do it tomorrow morning and we could relax tonight. 

-> Some people say 'my life begins when I get home!' It is possible? John said "good work makes good family" If we get home with anger, irritaion, we can't be happy with family. The time at work is quite important!

Part A : Before work

1) Set wise intention : "When you get up instead of rushing to get ready for work, you can think about how you want to live your day. Taking a few moments to clarify your aspirations or intentions for the days helps you stay open to whatever is happening and help your remember that this is a brand-new day, a new beginning, and that you can choose to live the day with mindfulness and compassion." (TNH, 18)

2) Wise Prep -- Prepping for work : "The way we get dressed, brush our teeth, or eat our breakfas in the morning is also important. If we practice mindfulness in these small daily actions we will know how to enjoy our day, how to let go of tension at work and how to reduce stress. The practice of mindfulness can help us to cultivate more awareness and joy in our life and in our work." (18)

3) Commuting and arriving : "If you arrive at work having practed mindfulness while gettin ready at home as well as on your way to work, you will arrive in a very different way than in the past--happier and more relaxed."(27)  

-> We sometimes make story of past before we arrive like 'my boss is... yesterday was like 000 today will be also bad..!' Just don't make the story will help. Also before open the door, we can breathe and come down. 

Part B : At Work:

1) Practice 'Wise Speech' and 'Deep Listening': Listen attentively and compassionately. Avoid harsh or harmful speech; Right Speech is speech that is Ture, and not harsh, not harmful, not gossip. Right speech promotes harmony.

-> If we start to speak with anger, it could become yelling very quickly. Let down the emotion. 
 Think about my intention before we speak. After the last class season, I realized that how easily I criticize other people. I could look, I could see. After that, I look the intention of speech. 

2) Practice harmony : "Practice looking at your boss and colleagues as allies, not as enemies." (TNH)

-> They are just "PEOPLE". They also struggle a lot of thing. If I think this first than letting down the emotion and seperation, compassion will arrise. Yes, it arrises even just recall this idea. 

3) Take Refuge in your practice : Get a 'mindfulness bell app' for your phone or computer. "When we hear the sound of the bell, we're reminded to  come home to ourselves, to come back to our breathing, and to touch life deeply in the present moment." (34)

-> Threre are some appls for meditation or mindfulness. (Headspace, I can be free, Insight Timer etc - I used 'headspace' and it quite work to listen and follow it. It only takes 10 minutes for a day. I also used 'I can be free', there are some good sould of nature. Breathe with the sound makes me feel better than before.) We can breathe for a moment and scan the body. Is there some pain? How is the breathe? Relaxed or not?
4) Release tension and strees : "Stress and tension can accumulate in your body."
When you have time, or when the bell rings, come back to yourbody and breath. Check to see if there is any strees and tension. Where is it, exactly? Breathe and release the tension. Send kindness and compassion to any part of yout body that is suffering. 

-> If we get stressed, shoulder goes up and face muscle is tensioned. We can scan the body and look that. Relax with breath. Stretch the shoulder and neck. And we can rub the body of pain with mindfulness. 

5) Be Kind to your strong emotions :  Use mindfulness to handle strong emotions. Fist, take your attention away from the object of your emotion. Put your attention on your breathing or practice. Remember: all mind states are impermanent. Remember: "We are the primary cause of our suffering, not someome else.' (TNH)

: There wil be a event of the same day of the class. I told John about that, and he siad "There will be two good events!" 
I suffered cause I will miss one that I can't go. But he said even i go anywhere, it will satisfy me. I thinks it's a better view! (I'm not sure of right veiw.) And which one is better for me? He said the anwer will come to me in silence, this is not the math problem, so the anwer doen't come like that way(measuring).

I get energy after the class. I feel more vivid and alive. What is that?  


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